This is an idea that was born out of ISTE 2014. The conference made me think. It also helps that I am hopefully transitioning to be an education technology specialist in the next three weeks. At ISTE, I started asking myself, "How do we convince the unconvinced about the benefits of technology use?" and, "How do we get people to start?". From these question also came the question of, "How do we make it absolutley painless?". That's where the idea of Big 10 PD came from. This is all about PD that does not take much out of you.
To start, I wanted something that was quick. Teachers arealways overworked and under paid. They don't want to sit through long meetings that detail one intiative or one tool. That's where the 10 minute time limit came in. I also wanted something packed full of information, so I thought taking my 60 apps in 60 minutes format, cutting it to 10 apps, and making ones that could be specific by content area would be most beneficial. I could also do 10 minute video how to's on my favorite educational apps and call them deep dives. The whole idea here is to convince a teacher to try and use just one. If you can get them to do that, you can get the snowball rolling downhill. You can get them to see the benefit and maybe continue to add more. As I thought about my (hopefully) new position, I thought it might be difficult to get the seat time in front of teachers in order to deliver these 10 app in 10 minute presentations. It also would be difficult for teachers to go back and pick up more. Why not use one of the latest teaching methods, the flip, and make this available anywhere to anybody. That's where the idea of using Touchcast came in. Touchcast allows the user to get started with that application straight from the video. It gives a teacher no excuse not to start. It only takes 10 minutes of their time, and they can use the video anytime and anywhere. There has to also be follow up. That's why I am basing these videos all off of a Symabloo Webmix. It allows for me to have a process where teachers can either use the Touchcast video or Youtube video to watch the video. We then ask them to fill out a Google form. The whole idea of the Google Form is so I can provide face to face follow up. I want the teacher to take 1 and use it. Teachers who are scared need to have that follow up. You can also give this to there administrative team to show there willingness to improve and to use technology. To me Big 10 PD is not the total answer, but it is a start. I know how technology can change a classroom. I want to build excitement for the use. We have to find new ways to reach teachers
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As my previous blog post can attest, I recently went to the Super Bowl of Ed Tech, ISTE. One message that was very prevalent was that we have to keep the fire alive. We have to find a way to change education. Is education technology the total answer for educations problems, no. You still have to have quality teachers. If that teacher uses it the right way though, it can change the world. It allows students to connect, to create, and to do things that have never been done in a classroom before. We as teachers can do things different, we can rebel.
I wanted to start ed rebel as a way to discuss the outside the box idea. Being with like minded educators at ISTE is always one of the best parts. Why not continue to get with those like minded educators, and have them help you flesh out those outside the box ideas. Maybe they can give you new ideas you can implement tomorrow. To me, there is much we still have to change in the classroom. The traditional teacher centered lecture classroom in many ways needs to die. Until we rebel against that idea and get others to do the same though, we will still have to cater to that way of thought at least some. It's what students are used to, and they have to be able to do it at most colleges. i also wanted to use this post to preview some of my topic ideas for the chat. Basically, I see the chat as starting on a focused topic, but it can also be a place to bring your craziest ideas. It can be a place to find like minded people to help you expand on that idea, and to help bring it to life. So here are some of our initial topics: 1. How do we convinced the unconvinced teachers about the ability of technology to change the classroom? 2. What is the craziest, most outside the box thing you have seen in a classroom? Did it work? How can we adapt it to our needs? 3. What apps do you use differently then their advertised use? How can adapt? 4. How do we convince administrators to get the technology we so desperately want? 5. How do we put technology in the hands of the teachers who will use it without going to big district wide initiatives? 6. How do we convince administrators that are outside the box practice works without looking at test scores? 7. How do we rearrange our classrooms to be a more student centered environment? 8. What is the best outside the box technology you have seen? How would you use it? 9. How can we change conferences? 10. What technology is not out there that you want to see in education? Why? 11. How do we deal with web filters? I will use this post to continue to add to questions. So look for more updates! Well, I finally have some rest! I am only 33, but I can't hang as well as I used to. Man, three kids takes its toll on you. Well since I have some rest, this post will hopefully be a post where I can gather my thoughts. It might even be called a reference point. So here's how I will set it up, my takeaways, my hopes for next year, and a the total tool chest addition.
My Takeaways 1. A Weird Place- Personally, I am in a bit of a weird place at this conference. I am currently a high school teacher, but I interviewed for an ed tech job the Wednesday before. Is it bad that my mind was not really on my classroom, but more on how i will help teachers? I did have some ideas for my classroom, but it was interesting to focus on the ed tech from two different perspectives. I know your going....what's the takeaway? Well.....ISTE made me excited either way it goes. I can always be a tech coach within my own building, and I got some great new ways to organize my classroom, but that will be for another number 2. Making the PD count- I don't know why, but this was something that really stuck in my brain for a bunch of reasons. It really started with @msMagiera and the ignite talks, and it was a theme that carried through my time. Teachers want short PD, that gives them time to interact, play, and packs a punch. They also want that follow up support. No matter if I get that tech job or not, I am going to begin a project of doing a 10 apps in 10 minute series using Touchcast. Through Touchcast, the teacher will also be able to interact with the app and explore if the choose. You then follow it up with a Google Form. I also want to send out a google form right at the beginning with three questions: If you could change one thing in your classroom what would it be, is there one tool you have always wanted to learn, and what time are you usually off during the school day. The whole point is to find that one thing for every teacher, and be there to hold their hand while they use it. 3. Let Kids Create and Make the Classroom Completely Connected- I already knew this, but it reenforced the idea of turning my Social Studies classroom into a newsroom. Students will work as segment producers and produce all different types of content. The main project will be a full scale unit news broadcast. Where ISTE helped was giving me some more ideas about the tools to use. I am going to start using Google + as a help central for both parents and students. I am going to use Touchcast to flip my lessons. I am going to use more of the features of Edmodo. I can use Plickers for quick assessments. The list can go on and on 4. Company Connections- In some ways, this was one of my favorite things at ISTE. I feel like I am kind of at the midpoint of my ed tech journey. I have presented all over the Southeast, and almost all have gone really well. It's time to take the next step, and I feel like connecting with the companies I care about was a huge part. I made connections with @edmodo, @classdojo, @touchcast, @cellyme, @tackk, @remind, and several others. I think this is big for several reasons. First, it raises my status. Several have mentor/ambassador programs that I am very excited to be part of. Second, when I go out and present now, I can go to these companies for stuff to giveaway. It adds to my presentations, and in the end helps their company to. 5. Finding People Who Think A Like- Most teachers have no clue about the ed tech community. I always feel like I am home when I go into the keynote and I see everyone on their device. We get so much pushback in our buildings sometime that it pumps me up to go and meet new friends from all over the country who believe the same things I do. Special shout out to @misspelsor, @theprofspage, and the rest of my new friends from IL. 6. Finding the Speakers who Can Bring It- I have learned something from going to so many conferences. I prefer the national speakers. I was a big fan of @lesliefisher and @adambellow going in. They were great as always, but it was so awesome to find others that brought it. @teach42 (Steve Dembo) and @tammyworcester were two of my new favorites. They were funny, brought great new points, and taught me something. I wish I could have seen more of @kylepace and @KleinErin. I saw them on a panel. They were great for the short time I saw them. I can't believe Erin Klein is still in the classroom. Those are some very lucky kids. I wish my rising 2nd grader could have her. My Hopes for Next Year 1. THAT I GET TO GO!- The two ISTE's I have been to have both been paid for out of pocket. It's rough on a teachers salary. I am praying and hoping that I will get to go either whether I can afford it or on a companies dollar because I present on the floor for them. If you want me to present just tell me...... 2. That I get to Present- I have applied to ISTE several times, but this was the year I thought my presentation might have a shot to get on the program. It did not. I have several ideas on how to rebrand and get in. I will also be applying for a poster, concurrent, workshop, and ignite to broaden my chances. I got this! 3. Dear ISTE, DON'T HAVE SOMEONE FROM HOLLYWOOD DO THE KEYNOTE!!!, Thank You- I did not find many who thought Ashley Judd was any good. Most thought it was weird. Why the folks at ISTE thought they had to have her, I will never know. You got edtech rockstars all over. Let them do the keynote. Find the best researchers, or best educators. They could do it. Here's my dream Lineup.... Ron Clark does the open, Adam Bellow does the Middle, Chris Lehman does the end. You could also use someone like Carl Hooker or Jennie Mageira. If you have to go Hollywood, maybe get someone with plenty of academic cred like Mayim Balik 4. @Iste2014line does not have a baby named @Iste2015line- I know there will be lines and crowds, but hopefully not as much. Philly's convention center is more spread out, so there is hope........ 5. Discover More Great Speakers- Conferences like this can be a crap shoot. Some sessions are great, some terrible. I am hoping I can add to the list of always reliable. The Ultimate ISTE War-chest! (Just Gonna list em, Go explore!) 1. Plickers 2. SmartestK12 3. Delivr 4. Lmgtfy 5. Elements 4d 6. 81 Dash- a new fav, and got to hang with Carlos for a bit 7. If this then that 8. Pear deck 9. Record Mp3 10. Screencastify 11. Pixiclip 12. Vimp 13. Scoot and Doodle 14. Tackk 15. Awwapp 16. Flippity 17. Sansdisk Connect Wireless Media 18. Metaglass ISTE is over and it sucks. I love this conference. The Ed Tech world is a whole different side of education that most (as sad as that is to say) don't get. There is no experience like it, and I hope I can swing it where I go every year now (as much as I hate it, I pay for myself). I met new people, discovered cool new tools, saw great speakers, and I even got to have pizza with Steve Dembo!. So here it is, the final recap...everything is awesome, the things that sucked, and somewhere in between. I will post another total recap sometime tomorrow when I have sleep and my brain works
EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! 1. Honest to GOD,EVERY SESSION I WENT TO TODAY- I started my day off with Tammy from Ess Dack. I love her presentation in that included little, but awesome tips and tricks for some very common things. Essdack ALWAYS delivers. If you want to see the things she shared go to my twitter feed @ld112265. I also saw a little of Steve Dembos video class, and I really wish I had stayed for more. He is a fantastic speaker with an energy and style that suites me. Makes me want to ba Den Star Educator Now. And last but not least, I saw the panel with Erin Klein, Kyle Pace, Adam Bellow, and Michelle Baldwin. I learned a new tool in Scoot and Doodle and learned some great new things to do with apps I already knew like Aurasama and Capzles. I am absolutley blown away that Erin Klein is still in the classroom. If I could move to Michigan so my children could have her as a teacher, I would. What would it take to get her to GA....Come on Erin 2. Jeff wont try to spell his last name with the closing Keynote- Holy Cow Batman, he should have been the opening. He was awesome. His kids are very lucky to have him and we were lucky to be blessed with his presence 3. The Death of @Iste2014line- I really dont get why you would leave early from this, but it was great for me. I ACTUALLY GOT IN STARBUCKS FOR A PICK ME UP THAT WAS NOT COOL!!! 1. THE FINAL SESSION SCHEDULING- I don't get this scheduling. They schedule wo sessions filled with ed tech rockstars at the same time. Kyle Pace, Erin Klein, Adam Bellow, and Michelle Baldwin did a panel on tomorrow tools at the same type as Leslie Fisher's gadget session. What? Did the schedulers get tired after an all night scheduling session. I had to choose, so I picked the ones I dont see every year in the panel. Leslie's gadgets will have to wait for the GA conference. On top of that, they put the panel in one of the smaller rooms. #thingsican'texplain 2. Friends Leaving- I got to hang with some awesome new people, especially the crew from IL. It's sad to see them go. Although........hanging out with single people takes a tool on this married guy with three kids SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN 1. Peach Pops- Oh Iste, thank you so much for ordering to many of them. I got to fiill myself with the sweat taste of GA peaches.....oh sorry that sounds creepy. It falls here because I partook a few to many times Filling the War Chest (the cool new tools from today) 1. Scoot and Doodle 2. Flippity 3. You Tube Annotations- use them to do a choose your own adventure 4. Vimp Things to look forward to tommorrow 1. :( 2. I guess my total recap and a nap............. I know, I know you really wanted this to come yesterday, but when I guy has several social functions in the evening it becomes very difficult. Guess what guys, you were at Ed Tech Karoke to. I was not going to write this when I got home. It was 1am. Remember I am from Atlanta. I got to sleep in my own bed. Well no excuses though, and here goes on the EVERYTHING is AWESOME, Everything that Sucked, and the somewhere in between. I will Try to put together some coherent thoughts, but lack of sleep may get in the way. Here Goes.
EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!! 1. Christine DiPaulo is my HERO- I dont look like an ed tech geek, but I AM! I did not know Ms DiPaulo at all, but I went to a session where she and others did for GOOGLE GLASS. They then went out in the audience and let people try it. I completly GEEKED out! As soon as she went into the audience, I made a beeline for the first guy she stopped at. SHE THEN LET ME TRY THEM!!!!i I am so thankful for that. MY ISTE DREAM WAS REALIZED! Now anybody got $1500 2. Connections, Connections- When I first came to ISTE in 11, I was just a young bright eye ed tech guy. I had just gotten on Twitter, and just got my Ed Tech masters. I unfortunatley did not make the connections. This time around it has been all about the connections. I went out found the people with the apps that I love like Touchcast. I made a connection that will last. I have also made some great friends from across the US that will last. If you are the type that hides in your hotel room at night, you miss so MUCH. Go out at night at ISTE. Find the places where people are. If you find the right place, you might not even have to spend money....Thanks, We Video! 3. Ron Clark- If you have read my previous post, you know I am not a big fan of the BIG BOYS in the middle of the exhibit hall. Again there are exceptions (Google and Edmodo come to mind). Guess what, Promethian sucked me in. I was invited to a breakfast yesterday put on by Promethian, and the wonderful Ron Clark was there with his students. HE WAS AMAZING! If you have never heard of him, he runs an absolutley AMAZING school here in Atlanta. He showed off Class Flow form Promethian, and he is so great I bought in. I will use this with my teachers. He might be in the exhibit hall again, so make sure you try to see if he is there. Lets be honest to, he is at Promethian to benefit his school. They support his mission in all kinds of ways. Alright Promethian........RESPECT Man that SUCKED! 1. Where are the Sessions??? Sorry Ashley Judd's keynote Judded me- This is nothing against the keynoter from yesterday. I am sure he was wonderful. I heard nothing but good things.....but I soured on the keynotes thanks to Ms. Judd. I also think ISTE should gives us the choice. I am sure they deny a TON of GREAT presentations. Why could those not be yesterday morning? 2. The Drawings in the Exhibit Hall- :( These are defintley not bad, I just wish less people would enter. I WANT SOME PRIZES!!! 3. Lack of SLEEP- Your tired, I am tired, we are all tired! 4. Sorry @ISTE2014line you still stink- Really, Really.....there really was a line to get into the Tabernacle. Guys, its a BIG PLACE Somewhere in Between 1. LA USD- There was a lack of things I was interested in yesterday, so I wanted to hear it straight from the horses mouth. I admire their bravery, but hate the method. LET TEACHERS APPLY AND PICK THE TECH. It would make it more cost efficent, put the tech in the hands that will change the world, and bring up the others when they see the great things that are being done. The New Tools Shoutout 1. Google Glass- I obviously knew what this was before hand, but I want to thank the panel for opening up what the future possibilities may be with it 2. Tackk- I had never heard of this program, but I love what I saw. Very similar to Smore it lets you create basic interactive flyers online. They are on the exhibit florr if you have not seen them Things I am Looking Forward to Today! 1. Seeing New Friends for the Last Time-little bit of a sad face though 2. Tammys Top 20- I am a Kevin Honeycutt fan, so seing anyone from Essdack is a huge plus 3. The Superstar Tool Panel- Bellow, Klien, Pace alll on one panel talking about TOOLS- COUNT ME IN! Sadly, I will miss Leslie Fishers gadget session though. I will have to catch it at GAETC in |
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